“Exploring new pathways and inspiring others on their journey towards excellence”
I have developed this personal purpose statement long ago and followed it for many years as top-level executive in a large international corporation. I had a classic start with responsibility for small projects, was promoted quite quickly to my first team lead position and received growing responsibility over time. After 30 years, I was responsible for three digit million budgets and leading a global organization with thousands of employees.
Looking back at my career, I am fulfilled with gratitude. I had the privilege to being coached early on and to question my actions. Over the years there were countless challenges: I was nervous before important meetings, I wasn't a good listener in discussions with subordinates, I pondered long before decisions or "just had to" balance professional and private needs. The first thing I learned through coaching was "be proactive", stop complaining about what's wrong and instead take full ownership of my life. At the same time I started coaching because I recognized the importance of employee development for achieving business success.
Together with my family I lived 5 years in Tokyo and 6 years in Hong Kong, a phase of my life that shaped me significantly. I traveled a lot in Asia for work and got to know and appreciate dealing with people from different cultures.
During my corporate life I experienced countless situations that are typical for leaders. Hiring the "right" people, building high performance teams, developing business strategies, presenting in front of large audiences or to the board, outsourcing, celebrating successes but also downsizing organizations, separating from employees, closing sites, dealing with "sensitive topics" in the workplace and many more. From personal experience I know how one feels in these situations. Also here, the exchange with my coaches always helped me.
In addition to family travel, sport has always been very important to me. I enjoy running, yoga and hiking as they keep me fit and at the same time improve my stress tolerance. Even in very stressful moments in business it was important to me not to cut back exercising.
I know that the solutions that worked for myself can't necessarily be transferred to others. Every individual, every environment, every need is unique. Nevertheless, my long experience of working with different people and cultures is very helpful for developing solutions or improvements fitting to your personal situation. As a certified systemic coach, I bring along the necessary methodological know-how. Let’s find out, what „journey towards excellence“ means for you personally and what you need to embark this journey.
Entering a coaching relationship is a meaningful step in your personal advancement. Coaching is always a matter of trust and confidentiality, it is very important that you feel comfortable and safe with your coach. In order to find out let's talk.